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TNA Call No.: 6

Date of closing: 15.01.2025

Call topic: Computational studies on solutions for hybrid energy storage systems: Virtual access


The call topic focusses on virtual access only, the research infrastructure offering the virtual access is the Eni cluster (specifications see below).


The call topic is open to different sources of innovation: material research, development and testing of a component, device or device cluster, simulation of systems or system components, etc. and the integration of the innovation in the energy system. ​


​The topic addresses a multitude of different energy storage technologies and their combinations for enabling long duration (from several hours to months) energy storage and is explicitly open to all technology readiness levels (TRLs). ​


​Further assessment of the EU energy storage needs (regardless of short or long-duration) are also strongly invited and encouraged.


Applicants from academia, research institutions, SMEs and industry are invited to apply.

The  specifications of the dedicated cluster infrastructure are:


Max 10 hybrid CPU/GPU Nodes:

  • 4x GPU/node Nvidia Tesla V100 32Gb

  • 2x 48 cores CPU/node  Intel Intel Xeon Gold 6252 2.1GHz

  • RAM/node 192 Gb

  • OS Centos 7.6

  • Cuda driver 510; SDK 11.6

  • Most used compilers/tools/libraries available (gnu, openmpi, pyhton etc.)

  • Possibility to add missing libraries/tools/compilers

  • Code has to be compatible with unix systems

  • If the code needs a license, the provision is in the responsibility of the applicant

When applying please address the following points


In the proposal should be mentioned:

  • Code to be used; in particular:

    • Open source or commercial?

    • License needed? If yes, the user must provide it.

  • Target architecture (cpu only; cpu/gpu)

  • Resources needed for a single simulation in terms of number of CPU cores and GPUs

  • Number of simulations to be performed and duration of a single simulation

  • Disk space needed to store data input and output during the project

  • Timeframe of the project

  • If available, given the applicant has already used some HPC facilities with this code, some graphs on performance and scalability of the chosen code for the models to be simulated.

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StoRIES Transnational Access

  • enables research at 64 world-class European research infrastructures dealing with energy storage and linked topics (from battery materials to energy network design)

  • is open and free to all researchers from academia and industry

  • is supported by reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs for users

  • calls for proposals will be published every 6 months from April 2022.


The pro-active innovation support team is available to advise potential users on the most suitable research infrastructures, assist in the submission of applications and answer any further questions about the TNA calls. Please contact them via our e-mail.


See the results of past calls:

TNA Call 1: Application oriented hybrid and sustainable energy storage solutions

TNA Call 2: Solutions for hybrid energy storage systems to enable long-duration stationary storage


TNA Call 3: Solutions for hybrid energy storage systems

TNA Call 4: Solutions for hybrid energy storage systems

TNA Call 5: Solutions for hybrid energy storage systems

Stay tuned to our next calls!

and don't forget to sign up to our newsletter

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