Since July 2022, the work within the StoRIES project has progressed notably in all of its Work Packages. Here is a summary of what has been achieved since the last update:

Work packages: Read more
StoRIES representatives of WP1 participated in the Mission Innovation - Global Clean Energy Action Forum in September 2022 in Pittsburgh, US to discuss the work of StoRIES and Materials Acceleration Platform (MAP) technologies with US federal funding agencies. A joint workshop is planned in spring 2023 in Washington with the aim to integrate US scientists in the StoRIES and the “German Canadian Materials Acceleration Centre” networks.
In WP2 the applications submitted under the first Transnational Access (TNA) call were evaluated by the experts of the Selection Panel and 4 user projects from Technical University of Denmark (DTU, DK), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, DE), Sapienza University of Rome (IT) and Energy Storage Solutions (E22, ES) were granted. The visited StoRIES infrastructures are LUT P2X (FI), VTT infrastructure for Batteries (FI), From MATtoBATT, KIT/HIU (DE) and CheMaMSE, Uni Padova (IT).
On 29 November 2022, a practical workshop on “Data Intelligence and AI-enabled Analytics for Accelerated Integration of Energy Materials” was held as a virtual event as part of the activities of WP3. Already earlier this year a survey was conducted to find a suite of methods, simulation tools, infrastructures in data management, and modelling-based analytics that are currently being employed by participants in the StoRIES project.
In WP4 the online workshop on “FAIR and open data for environmental, techno-economic and socio-economic assessments” took place on 27 October 2022 as the first workshop of the “Sustainable Energy Storage Workshop Series” with more than 45 participants from 19 countries (including 9 speakers).
To increase the visibility of StoRIES, the project video was launched and a leaflet and poster were published in WP5. In collaboration with WP6, the StoRIES project was represented with an online and an on-site stand at the European Sustainable Energy Week, EUSEW 2022, in Brussels from 26 to 30 September, which was a great success.
Cooperation with the Iberian Centre for research in Energy Storage (CIIAE) was initiated and representatives of CIIAE participated in the 3rd StoRIES project meeting held as a hybrid event at the Plataforma Solar de Almería on 16 November 2022. Additionally, a joint workshop on hybrid energy storage applications of the StoRIES project with the EU-funded projects Hybris, HyFlow and DualFlow as well as FLORES, EERA JP ES and SUPEERA is planned in spring next year in Karlsruhe.
StoRIES deputy coordinator new coordinator of EERA JP ES: We are pleased to announce that Deputy StoRIES Coordinator Myriam E. Gil Bardají has been elected as the new EERA JP ES Coordinator. Congratulations!