StoRIES strategic plan:
In order to achieve our goals and work in a measurable manner, we made a strategic plan that includes, among other things, a timeline with the main milestones and we have divided our collaborators in 7 major Work Packages, with clear activities and responsibilities.
This will help us optimize our efforts, identify and solve problems in an agile way and grant the vision of our progress throughout the development of te StoRIES Project.
Within each Work Package, partners and linked third parties will work together in the preparation of a series of tasks and deliverables summarizing the results obtained, with the goal of accelerating energy storage development in Europe.
Each of these milestones will require partners to collaborate together, identifying the main objective and single tasks needed to be completed.
Throughout its four years of duration, the project has the following main steps:
we are here
Work Packages
StoRIES is a project that has started on November 2021 and will last a total of 4 years. StoRIES partners and linked third parties are involved in activities divided in 7 different Work Packages:
WP1: Working Groups 1 to 4
Set-up a research and industrial hybrid ES eco-system
WP2: Infrastructure
Transnational and Virtual Access to word-class RIs
WP3: Services
Enabling breakthrough research and innovation across the whole value chain
WP4: Sustainability
Supporting the transition towards a climate neutral continent
WP5: Dissemination and Exploitation
WP6: Coordination
Project Coordination and management
WP7: Ethics requirements
Transnational ethic regulations
WP1: Set-up a research and industrial hybrid Energy Storage ecosystem
WP coordinator: EERA AISBL
WP1 will develop hybrid ES ecosystems, including international collaboration, define needs and services, compile Roadmap and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), and establish contacts to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The specific objectives of WP1 are to:
1. Establish a long-term forum/ecosystem on hybrid ES gathering experts and stakeholders to foster discussions and provide feedback to the results of the project;
2. Ensure efficient implementation of the research work plan and reinforce cooperation and synergies among the partners through multilateral cooperation within international initiatives;
3. Promote FAIRness of data to assure the interoperability and seamless access of the infrastructures and increase the value of the project achievements through openness and reusability of data for humans and machines alike.
4. Create virtual data management infrastructure and ontologized database services along the hybrid energy storage value chain to maintain AI-ready data assets and to accelerate the technology development from novel energy materials to device integration and up to the system levels.
Ivan Matejak
WP2: Transnational and Virtual Access to world-class Research Infrastructures
WP coordinator: KIT
WP2 will offer industrial and academic researchers access for free to a selection of the best facilities in the field of energy storage (ES). It involves research and innovation activities in all areas of ES (namely electro-chemical, chemical, thermal, mechanical, super-conducting magnetic as well as cross-cutting issues) performed by users granted access to
research facilities based on common access modalities and a peer review procedure for user project selection. This WP will deal with all tasks required to coordinate and manage Transnational Access provision within the StoRIES framework.
WP3: Enabling breakthrough research and innovation across the whole value chain
WP coordinator: SINTEF
WP3 will foster innovation by supporting services, training and education. The overall aim of WP3 is to identify research and development needs for hybridization of ES and enable the necessary breakthrough research and innovation across the whole value chain and in a life cycle approach.
By proactive innovation management, we will deliver strategic technology development that will drive competitiveness for hybrid systems.
The specific objectives of WP3 are to:
Set up a materials intelligence platform (MIP) to offer information exchange, demonstration, support services and on-the-tool training;
Create a framework to guide cross-level hybrid ES system model development and integration;
Define benchmarks and the benchmarking process on agreed parameters (e.g. system perimeter, indicators of the performance);
Support the development of a roadmap for hybridization of ES;
Create and empower a new generation of researchers and technologists.
Roberto Scipioni
WP4: Supporting the transition towards
a climate neutral continent
WP coordinator: CNR
WP4 will consider sustainability aspects for new materials and hybrid ES technologies by supporting a fair transition towards climate neutrality through:
Supporting the product development process in particular in the early-stage design and related to hybrid ES aiming at optimizing the raw material use, increasing the circularity, reducing the environmental impact, maximizing the social benefit;
Understanding how to unlock the potential of ES identifying bottlenecks and suggesting solutions in all the following aspects: Environmental, Economical, Societal;
Setting-up of a common, shared, recognized and open access primary data to support LCA, LCC and s-LCA as well as MRIO assessment;
Building up a network of competence, exchange of know-how and shared data related to modeling of techno-economics, socioeconomic and socio-technical aspects. In particular supporting the early-stage design of new devices and systems exploiting the full potential of the hybridisation of different storage technologies;
Establishing an ES sustainability workshop series in cooperation with WP1 and WP3.
Marco Ferraro
WP5: Dissemination and exploitation
WP coordinator: CLERENS
WP5 aims to establish an appropriate and effective communication of the project to ES ecosystem stakeholders and to pave the way to exploitation of StoRIES outcomes.Communication objectives:
Increasing visibility and awareness about the project with stakeholders in industry, research and academia, policymakers and wider public
Promoting public project results with stakeholders in industry, research and academia, policymakers and wider public
Disseminating project findings through scientific publications, presentations at webinars, technical conferences, and the project website
Exploitation objectives:
Accelerating the implementation of the research findings
Achieving an optimum knowledge and innovation management by using data, information, knowledge, know-how, methodologies or standards
Evaluating the project impact and to planning future activities
Fatima Ahmed
WP6: Project coordination and management
WP coordinator: KIT
The objective of WP6 is to coordinate and manage all project activities among the partners, to monitor quality and timing of project results and to carry out the overall administrative and financial management of the project. The aim is to ensure the project is conducted on time according to the budget and directed towards the overall project objectives.
WP7: Ethic requirements
WP coordinator: KIT
WP7 will ensure that all Ethical issues will be taken into account by the relevant partners within their project activities. Other ethical issues eventually identified during the course of the project will be considered as well. A specific report on ethical issues will be provided to the European Commission (within the first Reporting period) specifying how the ethical issues have been tackled by the consortium and providing the requested information (tools, procedures, etc.), and also ensuring that the consortium complies with all relevant national/EU regulations.